What’s The IP65 And The IP Rating?

When we are looking for waterproof submersible LED lights, chances are you’ve encountered the simple term “IP65” or “IP68” at some point. You may get confused and curious, what do IP65 and IP68 mean? What do “IP” and two digits stand for? Today we lead you to find out the meaning of this term.

What’s The IP Rating?

First we need to grasp what IP rating means. The “IP” is the abbrivation of “Ingress Protection”, which is known as the “International Protection” sometimes. The essence is the performance of waterproof and dustproof protection. A higher score means better protection. Therefore, IP raings help users determine whether an electronic or device can handle harsh conditions or not.

The first digit after the “IP” is an IP rating indicates a given enclosure’s level of protection against solid objects.

The second digit after the “IP” represents the resistance of the enclosure to liquids.


IP Rating Chart

Now we know the definition of “IP rating”. For the further understanding, the content of “IP charts” is also critical. As a reference tool that lists different combinations of digits from IP ratings, the “IP chart” each combination corresponds to specific levels and performance of protection against liquids and solids.


What’s The Differenece Between Weatherproof And Waterproof?

Weatherproof refers to the resistance of product or material in harsh weaterh, such as snow, rain, sunlight, high/low temperature. This indicator the comprehensive function ability of the product in harsh weather.

Waterproof performance can only be indicated by the IP rating. This factor is only concerted with the product in the environments where protection against water and dust.

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